
Monday, April 19, 2010

Color Charts

One of my big projects lately has been getting my craft things organized.  The first thing I worked on was my Prismacolor pencils.  I created an Excel chart for them grouping them by color and created the charts to fit in a 6x6 display book which turned out to be 3 pages.  I got this idea from Becca Feeken on her website Amazing Paper Grace located here.  The other thing Becca did was to have a sample of the color with the mineral spirits on it which is a great idea.  So when I did my color charts, each color block had a sample on top with dark to light without the mineral spirits and below it a sample of the color with the mineral spirits blended in it.  It was a lot of work, but will definitely save me lots of time when I'm choosing colors for a project!  Here are pictures of the finished product.  I also plan to post the charts on SCS under lists and charts if anyone is interested.

***Updated 1/12/2017: Here is the link to the color charts on Split Coast Stamper.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Color Challenge Purples & Browns

I just finished up a card for a color challenge on one of my favorite designer's website.  It's for Sharon Johnson's blog 'no time to stamp' you can find here.  The challenge was for any shades of purples, lavenders, browns, and ivory.  It's also supposed to be "stamped simply" - the image took some work on this one, but the card itself is pretty simple.

The image was colored with prismacolor pencils.  This is my first attempt to use these without using mineral spirits to blend the colors.  I used the colorless blender and my eraser only.  Wow, it was hard for me to get use to the difference.  Of coarse, it would probably be easier if I know what I was doing!  This technique required me to bear down a lot with the blender which really started to bother my hands and arms...definitely don't want to flair up the fibromyalgia.  I'll have to check this out more, maybe I'm not doing it right.  Anyway, this is what I came up with...not to bad.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Two New Cards

The past couple of days I have been working on two cards for a challenge on Split Coast Stampers.  The first one is done with birds.  I've taken a LOT of pictures of this one, and it still doesn't do it justice.  It must have something to do with the paper (and with my lack of knowledge).  I call this one "Birds with Linen"...the paper collection is called "Linen Closet".

The second card I did is called "Peach of a Hippo".  I love this stamp!  She's so cute!  The orange in the center of the flowers, the balloon, & bow, are tiny glass beads I just picked up.  I'm having so much fun with these.  The package I bought has a bunch of colors (I think 18), so there's lots to choose from.  The card with the birds also has glass beads in the middle of the flower below the bird picture.

That's it for now...time to get back to crafting!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Blog

It's been a while since I've posted...I've been busy doing all the un-creative stuff I need to do for my business.  One of the things I'm working on is getting my blog to work the way I want it to.  I'm really trying hard to do this ALL BY MYSELF!!  I may need to give in at some point though.  :-)

If anyone is trying to leave me a comment and still can't, I'm sorry.  I'm trying to fix that.  Please be patient with me.

In the next day or two I plan to do some creative things - YEAH!!!  I'll post them when I'm done!


Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, unfortunately the Santa Ana winds made it unpleasant to go out so it was a small crowd for the Boutique.  Oh, well!  The best part of the day was when I got home and my 8 year old son Cameron asked if he could go through all the things I brought back.  He was so excited and kept telling me how beautiful my things were and he wanted to buy some.  I gave him a few things and he proceeded to buy $20 worth of them and insisted that he pay for them.  How incredibly sweet is that!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Boutique Items!

Here are some more of the things I'm making for the Boutique on Saturday!

Easter Treat Bags

Something new! ~ Stamped Candles

I hope people like my things and are able to come!  :-)

Business Card Holder

I needed a holder for my new business cards and wanted something I created one!  I figured out how to do it by trial and error and using basic box making how-to's.  I'm pretty excited that I came up with it on my own!  I also made sure I wrote down all the measurements and instructions so I can do it again!  Here are some pictures of it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Unique Boutique Items

These are pictures of some of the things I will have for sale at the Unique Boutique this Saturday March 27th.  Hope you are able to stop by!

Brag Books

 Post-it Note Holders

Baby Onesie & Matching Card

Photo/Note Holders

Tile Coasters


Mother's Day Cards

Treat Bags for Easter

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yellow Rose Easter Card

This is one of the projects I worked on yesterday.  I love soft yellow and whitle together espcially with the embossed polka dots.  Here is the front and inside of the card.

Cherry Blossom & Bird Frame

This is one of the projects I worked on today.  I took a white frame and altered it with paper and made a picture for it with a cherry blossom stamp and my bird punch.  I love the soft colors!

I thought this would make a nice Mother's Day gift with a matching card!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Becca's Blog Candy

Yeah!!!  I won Becca's Blog Candy shown here on Amazing Paper Grace!!!  I'm so excited!  This was my first time posting on a blog candy - until a couple of months ago, I didn't even know what blog candy was!  Horray!  I'm getting more stamps from JustRite Stamps!  I can't wait.  Thank you Lord for your wonderful blessings!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Unique Boutique

Wow!  I guess I haven't posted in a while!  I've been very busy making things for the Boutique I'll be at on Saturday, March 27th.  Here is a copy of the flyer.  Hope to see you there if you can make it!  Kathy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rose for Mom Card

I started this card originally for the Very Vintage challenge TLC263 on Split Coast Stampers, but I'm not sure it's really that vintage.  Probably vintage enough.

Somewhere along the way, it turned into a special card for my mom who passed away 3 years ago as of Sunday the 14th. She loved roses and when I first got this stamp set (my first set) back in the 90's (?), I made her a bunch of cards gold embossed and colored with markers.  She loved those little cards.

I've been doing crafts pretty much since I was born and she always wanted me to have a gift shop to sell the things I've made. Since last summer, I have been doing these papercrafts almost every free minute I have and even did 4 craft show/boutiques. I keep thinking about how happy she would be to see what I have been doing these past few months. I think she would be proud of my accomplishments.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Favorite of the Week!

I've been without my computer for the last few days so I'm finally able to post!  It happened again...2 weeks in a row!!  This time my "Vintage Rose" card was on the Favorites for the Week of 3/7/10 by Stamping Servant!  That's incredible!!  Makes me want to keep on creating.  I love this card too and can't wait to make some more.

Right now, I'm getting ready for a boutique on 3/27 and organizing my craft to work I go!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tulip Bouquet

I made this card for my first challenge on SCS.  It took me a long time to make this one...I've been working on it for a week.  I was playing with the new 2-step bird punch last week when I did the Bird Brag Book, and noticed the wings looked kind of like a tulip flower.  I noticed a challenge for "paper piecing" and figured I'd try it out.  I finally submitted it today.  I like the cheerful colors on it.

Vintage Rose Card

This is a card I made last night using the Vintage Vogue stamp set and Soft Suede paper.  I love both of these.  This time I matched the paper with Sage Shadow.  I love the color combo.  This could be used for any occasion.
........UPDATE....this was a Favorite of the Week on SCS!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vintage Coral Mother's Day Card

This is another version I did of the Vintage Vogue card.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Favorite for Week Listing

I'm so incredibly thrilled!!  I was mentioned in this week's "Favorites for the Week" on Split Coast Stampers!  Wow, what an awesome honor!!  This is the card that was favorited.  Thank you to "StampingServant" for acknowledging me!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bird Brag Book

Here is one of the things I have been working on.  I finally had the chance to try out my new 2-step bird punch.  This is a "brag book" that has 5 clear envelopes to put pictures in.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yeah!!  I finally figured out how to post to my BLOG!  Now all I need is for someone to read it!  As the saying goes..."you can eat an elephant one bite at a time".  Now off to my craftroom to get to work for the next Boutique!