
Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, unfortunately the Santa Ana winds made it unpleasant to go out so it was a small crowd for the Boutique.  Oh, well!  The best part of the day was when I got home and my 8 year old son Cameron asked if he could go through all the things I brought back.  He was so excited and kept telling me how beautiful my things were and he wanted to buy some.  I gave him a few things and he proceeded to buy $20 worth of them and insisted that he pay for them.  How incredibly sweet is that!



  1. Well, He is a keeper...what a compliment to your work...Hopefully your next boutique has better weather for you...

  2. Kathy, that is a bummer about those winds! But what a great reminder about what is the most important. Your creations were great!

  3. What a cute baby onesie you designed!! It was sooo cute. We develop our talents and the Lord that's it from there. Good luck for the next time.


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!