
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daisy's Sweet Treats

Hi there!

I hope everyone is doing well! I have a little project to share with you using the stamp "Daisy Hugging Dolly" from Elphine House Australia. I love Elisabeth Bell's images, especially any with Daisy, she's so adorable!

This is a treat box I made with a detachable bookmark on the front of it. I made this for Elphine House's challenge to use sweet treats on your card/project. The box is from K&Co's Paper Boxes. I've had these for a long time, but hadn't used them yet. They're really pretty for gifts and have a bunch of die cuts to go with them.

I took lots of pictures of this so you could see everything. (I will list all the details on my Split Coast Gallery if you would like them.) This is the front of the box with the bookmark in place. I used the fancy tag diecut to hold the bookmark in place.

This is the back of the box with the bookmark in place.

This is the back without the bookmark.

This is the front without the bookmark.

This is the bookmark by itself. (Make sure to read all the way down, I have a really funny story about this picture.)

This is the label close up. I wrapped the sides of the label around the box and used a brad to secure it in place. Sorry, the picture is a little blurry.

This is the box opened up. It's really pretty with the 2-sided paper showing.

If you would like to join in the fun for the "Tasty Treats" challenge at Elphine House Australia, we would love you to join us. The challenge starts today and ends in 2 weeks. You can use ANY Elisabeth Bell image for this. The winner receives 2 EHA's stamps of their choice! Here's a link for the challenge where you can see more about it and the awesome Design Team's samples.

I am also entering this in the Split Coast Stamper's challenge WT342 to have a bookmark that's detachable. I really like the way the bookmark came out, and I may make more of these for gifts and maybe one for ME!

Now for the funny story. You may or may not have noticed, but the coloring I did on the bookmark in the first photo had a white space on Daisy's shoulder. I didn't notice it until after I had taken all the pictures. I had erased the color a little to get rid of a mark, but I got interrupted and never fixed it. So, being a perfectionist, I had to fix it for the bookmark only picture at least. Well, I took picture after picture and my camera just wouldn't focus...every single picture was completely blurry. I was getting so frustrated and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. So, about 30 pictures later, taken in 5 different places, I realized the pictures weren't blurry at all, I just didn't have my glasses on. LOL!!!

I would just like to say, I LOVE what I do, I'm so excited to use the talents God has given me. I hope I can somehow use them to glorify Him to others! Anyone out there who doesn't know God as their Savior, you are missing SO much. I use to try to do IT on my own, wow, now I wouldn't think of doing anything without Him! I hope you all have God with you in your heart.

Blessings to you!



  1. This is soooooooooo AMAZING !!!
    I especially love the idea with the bookmark.
    Be blessed,

  2. What a cute project with an adorable image on the bookmark (nicely colored, of course) I liked your story, it sounds like something I would do, but my eyesight is so bad, that I wouldn't even see the camera without my glasses. I keep wondering sometimes why the item I'm trying to take looks so burry in my viewfinder, till I realize that my batteries are almost dead. I have these same box templates and like you, I bought them a long time ago, and have only used one, but they are so cute, and you have inspired me with this post, to go use them.


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!