
Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Candy - True's Gift's from the Heart

Hi everyone!!!

I'm so excited!  I won blog candy at True D's True's Gift's from the Heart!!!  It took me a couple of days to realize it, poor True had to email me!  (I'm a little busy with ODBD Team and my Spellbinder's submission for round 3!)

You can see True's post here, thank you so much True!!!  Check out what  I won!!!!

Isn't this adorable!  This is the January Ribbon Club Set which is PERFECT for Valentine's Day cards I need to make!!!  RRR has a monthly ribbon club that you can join to receive ribbon sets, I'll have to check that out!!

I've been wanting to place an order with RRR for a while, but I just hadn't had a chance to do one.  So I just HAD to order some other things along with it, lol!  Bonnie at RRR has been awesome to work with, thank you Bonnie!  Thank you too, True!!!



1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. Looks like a great prize! I can't wait to see what all you make with it.


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!