
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Copic Certified

Hi there!

Happy Sunday!  Just a quick note to let you know I became Copic Certified a couple of weeks ago!  I just added the logo to my sidebar.  I still have lots of practice and fine tuning to do, but it's fun having another coloring method to use!



1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Kathy, That's wonderful. As I'm sure you can tell on my blog...My husband loves those copics too! Smile...In fact we're supposed to go to a scrapbook store this week and buy some more...Yikes! I'm glad he found something to keep him busy...(remember he is retired) but he kind of picked an expensive hobby, (but since he enjoys the copics so much, I guess I have to learn to overlook


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!