
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Organization of Ribbons

Hello there!

I am still totally on cloud nine about being a Design Team Member of Elphine House Australia for Elisabeth Bell. I am so excited!!! I will be receiving new stamps shortly and will be creating some wonderful things to show you...

For organization, I thought I would show you how I have my ribbons stored. The first picture show how a majority of them are stored.

I have 2 black storage cases I bought at Michaels that has 3 drawers and storage at the bottom. One side has plastic that unzips down the top and sides. The other side of the case has plastic with slits cut that you can pull the ribbon through. I gave up using the slit side and just use the unzip side. I have these separated by spool size and color families. Here's a picture of the inside showing the drawers that slide out.

I have a Stampin Up ribbon holder that has some more that don't fit in the other containers which you can see in the first and forth photo. I also have extra spools and holiday ribbons in a drawer that I don't need often which you can see here.

I also have a bucket I got at Michael's that holds all my little scraps and bows I made that didn't get used, which you can see here.

The last picture is a swatch chart of all the ribbons I have which I keep in a binder. I got this idea from Becca Feeken at Amazing Paper Grace.

That's it for my ribbon storage! Hope this helps someone else get organized!



1 comment:

  1. Wow. You take organization to a whole new level. Don't think I have the dedication (or ambition - lol) to organize everything. I will use some of your tips to organize some of my stuff. Thanks!


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!