
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sweet Nellie Redone

I am a wee bit of a perfectionist to say the least. When I post Sweet Nellie last month, I just didn't like the way it came out. It's been really bugging me. I wanted to send the card to someone, but not the way it looked. So, I decided to take it apart and redo it. I like this version much better. So here's the old version:

Now here's the new version:

I like this one so much better...that yucky green is all gone! What a difference color can make!

I will be posting this new version on Split Coast Stampers in my gallery with all the details if you would like them!



  1. They're both pretty, Kathy, but I must admit I like the second one better.

  2. Now I can really say how beautiful this card is...since I have it sitting on my desk!!!Thank you so much...You have made me feel so special!


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!