
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My First RAK!!! (Random Act of Kindness)

Hi there!

Just a quick post to show you my very first RAK!  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's stands for Random Act of Kindness.  That's exactly what it is!  I've heard about them, but never received one...till now!

My very sweet friend Sabrina Jackson aka okimom2girlz on Split Coast Stampers, sent me this wonderful box of goodies!

Sabrina is a designer on Our Daily Bread Designs that I met in December when joining their challenge team.  She is such a sweetheart and one incredibly talented designer!!!  I was admiring her gorgeous pins with pearls and beads that she uses on her cards and projects and trying to figure out how she does them,  She said she would send me a couple of things she had leftover to see how she makes them.  I was expecting a little bubble wrap package, but instead recieved this box.  I was puzzled why she needed such a big box...then I opened it!!!
Oh my word, it was FULL of goodies!!!  She sent me tons of flowers in different colors (mostly my favorites!) and sizes, all kinds of beautiful lace and gorgeous trims, a bag full of trinkets and charms, and oh, some pins and beads!  She gave me this beautiful handmade bag with lace and a flower on it that contained some beautiful finished pins she had made!!!  They're so pretty, I don't want to use them...just yet!

Here's some more pictures of all the goodies...

I was SO excited to receive my first RAK, but it was so much more than I expected!!! Sabrina said she likes to make it special and more than you expect! How incredibly sweet, it made me feel so special!!! So many different things to try out on my's SO exciting!!!

Included in the box, Sabrina gave me this beautiful handmade card that you can see in the center of the picture. What a beauty it is!

Oh, Sabrina, thank you so much for your kindness and generousity! I've already used a couple of the beads and pin and can't wait to use the rest!




  1. Kathy, you are SO very welcome!! The bible tells me that it is better to give than to receive! Well, I just did that! I love surprising my sweet friends with RAK's as I am one of those crafters that buys more than one person can ever use by themself! :D:D I am glad you like it all and I am sure that you will get good use out of everything on your amazing creations!! Now watch out, I might just surprise you again some day :D:D:D Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  2. Oh my goodnes! What a wonderful RAK you received, lots of beautiful goodies, can't wait to see what you do with them!


Thank you for blessing me with your sweet comments!